Tag: dipankar sarkar

Film Review: Little Wings (2022): The cruel and amiable...

Dipankar Sarkar writes that though the film ends with a ray of hope, it still le...

Birubala-The Fearless Crusader (2022): An Homage to the...

'Dhiraj Kashyap’s twenty-six-minute documentary ‘Birubala: The Fearless Crusader...

Interview with Aditya Modak on his short film The Kille...

In this interview with noted Indian film critic, Dipankar Sarkar, Aditya Modak d...

SIGNS FESTIVAL: Trans Kashmir (2022)

Trans Kashmir has won the award for the Best Film-Documentary at SIGNS, 2023.

In conversation with Ehraz Asmaduz Zaman

SIGNS FESTIVAL: In A Dissent Manner (2022)

Film Review: Since Forever (2023): The undbeaten spirit...

Festival Focus: SIGNS, Kerala, 2023

FESTIVAL FOCUS: SIGNS 2023/In conversation with documen...

'The film "Searcher"(2022) resembles a collage at times and a personal essay at ...

Film Review: Thettippoo Samithi (2023): Reconfiguration...

'The story of this half-hour film is set in a contemporary village in Kerala. Th...

Festival Focus: SIGNS 2023, Kerala /      Film Review: ...

Whispering Tears (2022) is a gripping story about people whose secrets, aspirati...